We will be closed December 24th to 27th, and January 1st 2025


Choosing a Care Facility

When choosing a care facility for yourself or a loved one, there are a number of factors that should be considered. A proper level of professional care and appropriate expertise at caring for people with particular conditions are extremely important considerations,...

Letter of Intent

A potential source of worry for parents of special needs children is what will happen to their child when they are no longer able to care for them. A special needs trust can provide financial support and name trustees who will oversee care in the future, but does not...

Home Caregiving

Professional caregivers, assisted care facilities, and nursing homes can become necessary costs at some point in life. However, individuals can seek to avoid these expenditures for as long as possible with the help of an amateur home caregiver, such as a spouse or...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Legal Capacity

Alzheimer’s disease has increased in prevalence in recent years. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in three seniors will die of Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is currently the sixth leading cause of death for Americans...

Alternatives to Guardianship

Guardianship is a tool to protect an individual when they are not able to manage their own affairs. Guardianship, however, involves taking away an individual’s rights to make their own decisions. Therefore, guardianship should only be used as a last resort. In cases...

Duties of a Trustee

Acting as trustee of a trust is a significant responsibility. People should take care when selecting individuals to be trustees or accepting the role of a trustee. At a basic level, the trustee manages trust assets for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries according...

Rising Cost of Long Term Care

Genworth Financial recently released a survey showing that the cost of long term care continues to outpace inflation with no indication of this trend reversing over time. The current national median cost for a home health aide is $4,099 per month. The median cost for...
