
Estate Planning for the Long Term

When making an estate plan, keep in mind that the plan may be implemented and administered well into the future. Of course no one can predict the future and a good estate plan needs to be well thought out while keeping in mind that the plan might not take effect for...

Medicaid Planning: Penalty Period

The previous blog post looked at what transfers trigger Medicaid eligibility penalties. In short, any uncompensated or below-market transfer made in the five years prior to applying for Medicaid will cause an applicant to be penalized for future Medicaid eligibility....

Planning Your Digital Estate

Planning Your Digital Estate

Many adults do not have a Will, a Financial Power of Attorney or aren’t even sure what a Healthcare Directive is.  If you are among these adults, then preparing an estate plan should be at the top of your to-do list. But even if you do have an estate plan, it might be...

Special Needs Trust Fairness Act

The Special Needs Trust Fairness Act is proposed federal legislation that, if passed and signed into law, would allow individuals to set up their own special needs trusts without the need of a third party. A Special Needs Trust, or SNT, is a trust that allows a...

Calming Someone with Dementia

A person with dementia, or Alzheimer’s, can develop severe anxieties or work themselves into a state of agitation that can be baffling or frightening to those around them. This post, using techniques developed by Teepa Snow, an Alzheimer’s care expert, will discuss...

Dangers of Dying Without a Will

Recent reports have indicated that the singer Prince may have died without making either a will or an estate plan. While those reports may ultimately prove inaccurate, this is an appropriate time to point out the dangers of dying without a will or estate plan in...

NOTICE Act and Medicare Coverage

Recently the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new proposed rules implementing the Notice of Observation Treatment and Implication for Care Eligibility Act (NOTICE Act) that affect notifications patients receive regarding their status during...

Discussing Care Options with Loved Ones

If the time comes when an elderly loved one nears the point where living at home becomes an increasingly untenable option, getting your loved ones to realize that a nursing home, or other care facility, is the best option may be a difficult conversation to have. There...
